Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This is Paige

Remember Lisa, the hairstylist?  Well, now I would like to introduce you to her daughter, Paige.

Paige is 11 years old.  She has been cooking since she can remember.  She started with baking and went up from there.  She has even created some of her own recipes.  One of her most recent creations involves eggs and cheddar cheese with a hint of cinnamon and marjoram.  Paige's light-hearted personality is a joy to be around.  She always makes me smile.   

She wears an adorable apron she got at Home Depot and by the looks of it, she has used it for multiple projects.  She never cooks without it.  Some of her favorite foods are Salmon, Tilapia and steak.  

Her mother, Lisa, has been Paige's inspiration in the kitchen.  They enjoy cooking together, most of the time.  Lisa got her beautiful apron on a trip to NYC.  She said she "just couldn't resist it."

They are a lovely pair and their aprons stories were a delight to hear.  I felt so welcomed in their home.

After all, designer aprons are the way to say "Welcome"  


Friday, September 24, 2010

Meet Lisa

Well, I went to get my hair done the other day and guess what I saw.  You guessed it...a designer apron!  Imagine that!

This is Lisa.

She just moved to a shop in downtown historic Buford, Georgia.  The name of the shop is Advance Coloration.  Now you may be wondering why is she standing in a vault.  The shop's building was originally a bank and through the years the vaults have remained in the building.  It's a very cool place to get your hair done.

Back to the aprons.  Lisa went to work on my hair when I realized, she's wearing an apron!  I pulled out my handy camera and "wah-lah" another story for my blog.

Lisa's been wearing an apron for 30 years, not the same apron mind you, but something to protect her clothing from the coloring concoctions she mixes up and the infinitesimal number of hairs she has cut through the years.  The apron she wears today is a signature of the salon she works in, keeping a look of professionalism and uniformity about the salon.  

What does Lisa like about being a hairstylist? She said, "the camaraderie with clients."  She enjoys the instant gratification one feels from having a new look or color.  Isn't she cool?  And isn't that apron way cool?


Thanks, Lisa, for sharing your apron story with me.

I've Got Another Designer Apron Story to Share With You

Let me introduce you to Laurie.

While I was in the library talking to Martha about her turkey apron, Laurie told about us about her grandmother, Mama Liza.  

Mama Liza wore an apron just like the one Laurie is sporting.  Isn't it adorable?  Here is what she told me about this apron.  Her Aunt Rosie, knowing all the ladies in this family had sweet memories of Mama Liza in this apron, made all the females one by the very pattern of Mama Liza's.  My little research in the library provided a wonderful opportunity for Laurie to honor her grandmother and her Aunt Rosie by modeling this great Designer Apron for my blog.

Now there's one more part of this apron story that I'm sure many of you have similar memories.  

See those handy little pockets?  What do you think she kept neatly tucked inside them?  Yep...snuff!  It's no telling what you might find in those pockets.

Thanks, Laurie, for sharing your story and thanks Aunt Rosie for preserving the wonderful memory of special people in our lives.

Continuing to look for more apron stories.     


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

you might want to put this book on your wish list

I follow a lovely, inspirational blog called Big Red Kitchen.  Robin Sue referred to a book I can't wait to get a look at.  

Here's peek at her post:

Ihave books on the brain of late. I think we all do as we send our children back to school. I love books. To read them. Give them as gifts. And treasure them. Have any of you met my friend Sandy yet? She is the writer of the blog Reluctant Entertainer and author of the book named for her blog. From reading her blog you should be able to conclude that Sandy is one of the nicest people in the blogisphere. Her genuine stories gently lead her readers who are Reluctant Entertainers into confident hostesses. 

Years ago Sandy realized that the gift of hospitality was quickly becoming a dying art. Less and less women were comfortable with opening their homes to friends, family, and their neighbors. She discovered an array of excuses, "My home is too small, messy, too simple. I can't cook, I'm clumsy, I'm too shy, I am afraid." In her beautiful book, The Reluctant Entertainer, Sandy maps out ways women can gain confidence in opening their homes to guests. Her prose are gentle and kind as if she were sitting right there with you, holding your hand as she encouraged you to share your home and yourself. Using the saying, Keep It Simple Sister- KISS, Sandy's simple tips on decorations, recipes, and conversation will turn any reluctant hostess into a hospitality goddess! I loved reading her book and have already sent one as a gift and have it on my favorite "books to give as gifts list." If you are a Reluctant Entertainer or know one, may I suggest Sandy's book. It is truly the bible of entertaining!

Look at that beautiful designer apron


Meet Martha

I mentioned in my last post I was in the library and picked up an old book about rural life in America.  While there I was also picking up a book that I had had sent from another library.  When the librarian looked at the book called A is for Aprons, she said, "Do people still wear Aprons?"  I replied, "Oh yes, they are making a BIG comeback!"  Another librarian sitting near by said, "I have a special turkey apron that I wear every Thanksgiving and Christmas.  My grandson won't let me go without it"  I asked her if she would be willing to bring it in to work and let me take her picture to post on my blog.  She laughed and agreed to bring it next time she was working.  

Please welcome Martha in the Turkey Apron given to her by her sister and worn with lots of love.


Isn't that one of the most whimsical designer aprons you've ever seen?

Thanks Martha!  May this Thanksgiving be the best one ever! 

You can find some amazing people at your local library. 


Monday, September 13, 2010

Comfort Aprons

Well, I've been looking around for aprons.  They are everywhere!  Old ones, new ones, faded ones, bright and beautiful ones.  But every time I look at one I get happy!  

I was at the library last week and bought an old book that was on the "books for sale" table.  It was a National Geographic from 1974 called Life in Rural America.  What a lovely inspiration of a life well lived!

Here is one of the pictures from the book.  Look at these beautiful women!  They are having a great time.

Though they're not wearing designer aprons, their aprons were part of their attire. For many generations past the women in the kitchen wore an apron.  Looking at these women I can imagine the many wonderful comfort foods they prepared for their families and how they spread that food on the tables for everyone's pleasure.  I can smell that pot roast cooking, can't you?  

I bet there are a ton of stories these aprons could tell.  What are some of your stories?  I'd love to hear from you...