Wednesday, September 15, 2010

you might want to put this book on your wish list

I follow a lovely, inspirational blog called Big Red Kitchen.  Robin Sue referred to a book I can't wait to get a look at.  

Here's peek at her post:

Ihave books on the brain of late. I think we all do as we send our children back to school. I love books. To read them. Give them as gifts. And treasure them. Have any of you met my friend Sandy yet? She is the writer of the blog Reluctant Entertainer and author of the book named for her blog. From reading her blog you should be able to conclude that Sandy is one of the nicest people in the blogisphere. Her genuine stories gently lead her readers who are Reluctant Entertainers into confident hostesses. 

Years ago Sandy realized that the gift of hospitality was quickly becoming a dying art. Less and less women were comfortable with opening their homes to friends, family, and their neighbors. She discovered an array of excuses, "My home is too small, messy, too simple. I can't cook, I'm clumsy, I'm too shy, I am afraid." In her beautiful book, The Reluctant Entertainer, Sandy maps out ways women can gain confidence in opening their homes to guests. Her prose are gentle and kind as if she were sitting right there with you, holding your hand as she encouraged you to share your home and yourself. Using the saying, Keep It Simple Sister- KISS, Sandy's simple tips on decorations, recipes, and conversation will turn any reluctant hostess into a hospitality goddess! I loved reading her book and have already sent one as a gift and have it on my favorite "books to give as gifts list." If you are a Reluctant Entertainer or know one, may I suggest Sandy's book. It is truly the bible of entertaining!

Look at that beautiful designer apron


1 comment:

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